Play it Green - Our Progress During 2024

Play it Green - Our Progress During 2024

Since partnering with Play It Green in the summer of 2022; they have helped us lower our carbon footprint, helped make our workforce Climate Positive, and supported Sandgreen’s sustainability; we are delighted to share our achievements for 2024.

In 2024, we have planted 600 trees, helped reduce CO2 emissions by 60 tonnes, and have donated £30.00 to our chosen charity, Sea Shepherd UK. 

This means, since partnering with Play it Green in the summer of 2022, we have in total: planted a whopping 2,297 trees, helped reduce CO2 emissions by 184.4 tonnes, and donated a total of £97.00 to Sea Shepherd UK. 

For reference, this impact is equal to either removing 135 cars from the road; 1,536 short haul aeroplane seats; or 57 homes annual energy use!

To keep up to date with our progress through Play it Green, you can check out our Forest Garden on this link at any time : Sandgreen Caravan Park Forest Garden